The Theory of Revolution in the Young Marx
Michael Löwy
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Lenin Rediscovered
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Western Marxism and the Soviet Union
Marcel van der Linden
The Clash of Globalisations
Ray Kiely
Utopia Ltd
Matthew Beaumont
Tony Smith
A Marxist Philosophy of Language
JeanJacques Lecercle
Exploring Marx's Capital
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Criticism of Heaven
Roland Boer
Following Marx
Michael A Lebowitz
Marxism and Ecological Economics
Paul Burkett
The Gramscian Moment
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Witness to Permanent Revolution
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Behind the Crisis
Guglielmo Carchedi
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In the Steps of Rosa Luxemburg
Paul Levi
Discovering Imperialism
Toward the United Front
Communist International
Marx's Temporalities
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Marxism and the Oppression of Women
Lise Vogel
Theories of Ideology
Jan Rehmann
Dialectic of the Ideal
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Global Political Economy and the Modern State System
Tobias ten Brink
Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy
Thomas M Twiss
Crisis and Contradiction
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Marxism in a Lost Century
Gary Roth
Art and Value
Dave Beech
Studies in Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production
Laura da Graca and 1 more
On the Formation of Marxism
Jukka Gronow
Trotsky's Challenge
Frederick C Corney
Marx and the Earth
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Marx's Capital, Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity
Guido Starosta
The Politics of Style
Daniel Hartley
A Failed Parricide
Roberto Finelli
The 'American Exceptionalism' of Jay Lovestone and His Comrades Volume 1
Paul Le Blanc and 1 more
Communards and Other Cultural Histories
Adrian Rifkin
British Communism and the Politics of Race
Evan Smith
Drums of War, Drums of Development
Jim Glassman
Marx, Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction
Martha Gimenez
Red Hamlet
James D White
Marx on Capitalism
James Furner
Gramsci's Laboratory
Alvaro Bianchi
Mao Zedong Thought
Wang Fanxi
Art and Labour
The Science and Passion of Communism
Amadeo Bordiga
James P. Cannon and the Emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38
Bryan D Palmer
Marx's Economic Manuscripts of 1864-1865
Karl Marx
War, Capital, and the Dutch State (1588-1795)
Pepijn Brandon
Gramsci's Pathways
Guido Liguori
The Prisms of Gramsci
Marcos Del Roio
Money and Totality
Fred Moseley
Marx and the Commons
Luca Basso
The Politics of Transindividuality
Jason Read
The Thatcherite Offensive
Alexander Gallas
The Practical Essence of Man
Andrey Maidansky and 1 more
Austro-Marxism Volume 1 Austro-Marxist Theory and Strategy
Mark E Blum and 1 more
Deliverance from Slavery
Dick Boer
The Philosophy of Living Experience
A Bogdanov
Antonio Gramsci
Alistair Davidson
Between Equal Rights
China Miéville
Theory as History
Jairus Banaji
Deconstructing Postmodernist Nietzscheanism
Monsters of the Market
David McNally
Marx and Singularity
The Culture of People's Democracy
György Lukács
Marxism and Social Movements
Colin Barker and 2 more
The Preobrazhensky Papers Volume 1 1886-1920
E A Preobrazhenskii
In Marx's Laboratory
R Bellofiore and 2 more
Seeing Through the Eyes of the Polish Revolution
Jack M Bloom
The New Left, National Identity, and the Break-Up of Britain
Wade Matthews
Revolutionary Teamsters
Plebeian Power
Álvaro García Linera
Beyond Marx
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Marx and Latin America
José Aricó
War and Revolution in Catalonia, 1936-1939
Pelai Pagès
Gramsci and Languages
Alessandro Carlucci
Time in Marx
Stavros Tombazos
The Revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci
Frank Rosengarten
Marx's Capital and Hegel's Logic
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Philosophy After Marx
Christoph Henning
From the Vanguard to the Margins
Mark Pittaway
The Post Colonial Orient
Vasant Kaiwar
Plural Temporalities
Vittorio Morfino
Revolutionary Marxism in Spain, 1930-1937
Alan Sennett
Looking for the Proletariat
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Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony
Alan Shandro
Mark Abel
The German Left and the Weimar Republic
Ben Fowkes
The Marxism of Manuel Sacristán
Manuel Sacristán Luzón
Max Weber
Prophets Unarmed
Gregor Benton
The Communist International and US Communism, 1919-1929
Jacob A Zumoff
The Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, 1899-1904
Richard Mullin
Karl Korsch
The Dimensions of Hegemony
Craig Brandist
Critical Marxism in Mexico
Adolfo Gandler
Reading Gramsci
Francisco Fernández Buey
Alexander Shlyapnikov, 1885-1937
Barbara C Allen
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To the Masses
Peter Drucker
Degeneration and Revolution
Robert Heynen
'Bitter With the Past but Sweet With the Dream'
Cathy Bergin
Time, Capitalism and Alienation
Jonathan Martineau
Marxism and Historical Practice. Volume I Interpretive Essays on Class Formation and Class Struggle
Marxism and Historical Practice. Volume II Interventions and Appreciations